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The Windorah Job
By Katherine Franks
Beneath the Red Dust takes you to the remote outback of Australia where the heat is unforgiving, the people are tough and the land is brutal. Jenny Tyler grew up here, and returns after a decade to a country that, while familiar, is full of secrets. What is the mystery that an unknown organisation is trying to unearth? Who are the men who have protected the mystery for generations? And why does Jenny find herself in the middle of it all? Jenny Tyler has not been back to the Australian Outback since her father died in what the Coroner called ‘a tragic accident’. Unable to face the large cattle station which had been her home for seventeen years, Jenny left the wide open spaces of her youth for the city. Following a short career in the military Jenny begins work in a firm run by an old friend of her fathers. Carrying out contracts all over Australia and the Pacific, Jenny is rarely in one place long enough to unpack her suitcase, let alone make a home. In Part One of Beneath the Red Dust; ‘The Windorah Job’ takes Jenny back to a place she thought she had left behind, but as she soon discovers, it is still a part of her. Beneath the endless blue sky, she finds a peace that has been out of her reach in the busy city streets. She explores the red earth around Windorah, kept company only by the enveloping heat and predators hoping for the weak to show themselves. Jenny has been hired to find a man who has been missing for two years and bring him to account for his actions. Grabbing a lift from the airport to the pub with the local bar manager, she realises she may have found him. But for Jenny Tyler the Windorah Job is not as straight forward as it first seems. What does Pete Crow, a wizened old local, know about why Jenny is there – and what lengths will he stop at to ensure his own secret is not discovered? Stay tuned for 'The Cunnamulla Job', where Jenny will discover more about the hidden secrets buried deep beneath the red dust of the Australian Outback. The Windorah Job is a novella, the first part of ‘Beneath the Red Dust’.