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The Importance of eBooks for Learning By Tori Lutz

The Importance of eBooks in Supplemental Learning We all heard of the argument between print books vs e-books. Print books have the feel of a book that many people love. They are easier on the eyes since there is no screen and so on. E-books have their advantages as well. They are less expensive for one. Another reason is they are optimal for students in supplemental learning. How, you ask? Below are the 8 key points that highlight the advantage of e-books for students, so keep reading! The Ability to Study Anywhere Anytime An e-book offers the luxury of being easy to read anywhere. When taking public tr......

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Marketing Your eBook in 2020 By Tori Lutz

Marketing anything can be an incredibly challenging experience. Whether you 're selling ice to eskimos or water in the Sahara, you're bound to run into problems with your marketing strategy at at least one point in your career. After all, marketing is a rigorous and fast-paced profession. So what does that mean for you? The simple answer is that there is no simple answer. Instead, we've come up with a few important factors for you to consider when marketing your E-Book in 2020. Self-Publishing Versus Using a Publisher The question of whether to act as your own publisher or to partner with an official publis......

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Summer Book Marketing Tips By Rahiem Brooks

Yes, the summer vacation is all set and you plan to hit the beach to show off your new beach body and sip cocktails with dainty umbrellas hanging from the side-next to a fresh cherry-as you take in the sun. But have you set your book marketing, promotion, and publicity in play to be shown off as you're relaxing on the Santa Monica Beach. And even if you're not going on vacation there are some things that you can so in summer, but no other time of the year. Have no fear. If you've been following my book marketing series, then, you know, that I have you covered with this Summer Book Marketing Tip Sheet. There ar......

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Copyright Law and E-books By Tori Lutz

Books have always fallen under standard copyright laws protecting written creative work. However, the advent of digital media and the e-book has given rise to a new set of intellectual property issues that are still being worked out today. E-books and print books share many of the same legal protections, but contain some key differences when it comes to sharing and copying policies. In this article, we explore the ways in which copyright law interacts with e-book management, and how that relationship can affect authors, publishers, and consumers. Intellectual Property and Copyright Copyright law is part of ......

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Top 11 Book Marketing Strategies for 2021 By Rahiem Brooks

Pack your laptops and your business acumen as we are leaving 2020 and heading into 2021 in first class. We are about the business of books and branding of our author/small press personas. Make no mistake, branding and being about your business are not the same. To be about your book business, you must be about book marketing and going into 2021 take some of these tips with you on your book journey. 1) Write More Books First-time authors with one book can sell well, and we've seen some millionaires produced from one book, but they are the exception. More than one book makes it easier for you to sell multiple......

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The Physical Evolution in Speculative Fiction By Jane Sandwood

Regardless of the genre you favor, reading holds countless benefits and brings immense pleasure to those that indulge in it. It is, however, hard to dispute that speculative fiction, and more specifically, science fiction has become one of https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/12/books/review/gender-genre.html the most dominant genres of our times. While it has been popular throughout the last half-century or so, it did not have as significant an influence on pop culture as it does today. Though it is often brushed aside as being too fantastical, it does represent the cultural movement of the 21st century much better t......

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Making Lists of Book Keywords By Rahiem Brooks

Upon writing "The End" as the last line of a novel, an author that has decided to go the self-publishing route job actually begins. The easy part of the process is over. It is that point that one phase ends and a set of new ones begin. Particularly, the book publicity, marketing, advertising, and promotion leg of the process starts. Yes, authors must wear every hat to be successful. With a freshly completed novel, before it even reaches the editor's desk, authors should begin making lists of plot points and sub-plot points with enough content to be of interest to readers. Have you written a crime thriller with......

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Beyond the Page: The Benefits of Reading By Jane Sandwood

The thrill of the chase, the heartwarming romance, the chance to explore new worlds: we all read books for many different reasons. Whatever captures your imagination, reading just for the pure pleasure it gives us is justification enough to curl up on the sofa with our favorite tomes. But to make you feel a little better about procrastinating all afternoon with your novel: reading is proven to be good for you. A gym for your mind - Everyone knows how important getting regular exercise is for your physical health - well, http://www.lifestylehitlist.com/amazing-benefits-of-reading reading is like exercise for th......

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Marketing Your Book By Sherry Chamblee

One of the things that scares many authors the most is marketing. There have been tried and true methods that worked over the years, all of them daunting to those of us who would rather just sit at our desk in the corner and make up our own worlds. To add another layer of intimidation, the technological world of today is forcing change on all of us. Things that really were tried and true methods are now becoming ineffective. Things that work are changing all the time. What worked two years ago may not make much of an impact today. And that one thing that's working for everyone today, might not work in a matter of......

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